Un’altra bellissima giornata di mare e di vela nel Golfo di Napoli,
con vento da Sud-Ovest 10-13 nodi, più stabile rispetto ai giorni
precedenti e mare piatto.
Regata di match race
Nelle fasi di prepartenza Luna Rossa Swordfish riesce a conquistare
una posizione di vantaggio ma parte in anticipo e viene penalizzata,
consentendo a Emirates Team New Zealand di prendere il comando della
regata. Emirates Team New Zealand al cancello di poppa sceglie il bordo in
mare mentre Luna Rossa Swordfish fa una separazione, scegliendo il bordo
a terra.
Questa opzione tattica consente a Luna Rossa Swordrish di
avvicinarsi a Emirates Team New Zealand: alla boa di bolina Luna Rossa
Swordfish ha recuperato sufficiente terreno per portarsi all’incrocio
interno in boa. Emirates Team New Zealand non risponde correttamente,
la collisione è inevitabile, e la prua di Luna Rossa Swordfish viene
danneggiata. La barca timonata da Francesco Bruni continua però la
regata e prende il comando su Emirates Team New Zealand che è stata
Luna Rossa Swordfish si qualifica così per la semifinale che disputerà domani contro Luna Rossa Piranha.
Regata di Flotta 1
Buona partenza di ambedue le Luna Rossa con Luna Rossa Piranha in boa
e Luna Rossa Swordfish libera a metà linea. Alla boa di disimpegno è
Swordfish ad avere la meglio sul resto della flotta e prende il comando
della regata mentre Luna Rossa Piranha viene rollata e vira a metà
classifica. Posizioni invariate fino alla prima bolina in cui Luna Rossa
Swordfish è sempre in testa, posizione che mantiene anche nel bordo di
poppa con Piranha che insegue in 4° posizione. Nell’ultima bolina però
un salto di vento a sinistra favorisce Oracle ed Energy che hanno preso
l’opzione del bordo in mare e Luna Rossa Swordfish virerà la boa e
concluderà la regata in 3° posizione, seguita da Luna Rossa Piranha.
Regata di Flotta 2
In partenza Luna Rossa Swordfish e Luna Rossa Piranha scelgono
posizioni analoghe ma invertite rispetto alla regata precedente: Luna
Rossa Swordfish in boa e Luna Rossa Piranha a metà linea. Luna Rossa
Swordfish riesce a partire lanciata e con un buon timing, mentre Luna
Rossa Piranha incorre in una penalità per partenza anticipata. Alla boa
di disimpegno Luna Rossa Swordfish vira in 3° posizione dietro a Oracle e
Energy mentre Luna Rossa Piranha è con il gruppo. Al cancello di poppa
Emirates Team New Zealand riesce a infilarsi davanti Luna Rossa
Swordfish che però recupera la posizione originale nel lato di bolina,
virando nuovamente 3° con Luna Rossa Piranha che insegue in 5°
Nel lato di poppa Luna Rossa Piranha recupera terreno e si porta in
4° posizione. Nella seconda bolina su Luna Rossa Swordfish, poco prima
del giro di boa (forse a causa della precedente collisione) cede il
bompresso e l’imbarcazione è costretta al ritiro.
Nel secondo lato di poppa Luna Rossa Piranha perde una posizione su Ben Ainslie e termina 5°.
Classifica generale
1. Oracle Team USA Slingsby p. 38
2. Energy Team p. 36
3. Emirates Team New Zealand p. 36
4. J.P. Morgan BAR p. 35
5. Luna Rossa Piranha p. 33
6. Luna Rossa Swordfish p. 23
7. Artemis Racing White p. 21
8. HS Racing p. 17
9. China Team p. 14
2. Energy Team p. 36
3. Emirates Team New Zealand p. 36
4. J.P. Morgan BAR p. 35
5. Luna Rossa Piranha p. 33
6. Luna Rossa Swordfish p. 23
7. Artemis Racing White p. 21
8. HS Racing p. 17
9. China Team p. 14
Another beautiful day on the water in the Gulf of Naples: flat sea,
10-13 knots of slightly more stable South Westerly winds versus
Match Race
During the pre-start Luna Rossa Swordfish is in a good position but is penalized for OCS (early over the line); this drawback allows Emirates Team New Zealand to take the lead.
At the downwind gate Emirates Team New Zealand chooses to sail offshore whereas Luna Rossa Swordfish separates and sails towards the land. This decision allows Luna Rossa Swordfish to move closer to Emirates Team New Zealand: at the windward mark Luna Rossa Swordfish gains the inside but Emirates Team New Zealand does not respond correctly and the collision is inevitable. Despite the damage to Luna Rossa Swordfish’s bow Francesco Bruni continues with the race and moves to the lead as Emirates Team New Zealand gets penalized.
Luna Rossa Swordfish qualifies for the semifinal where they will race against Luna Rossa Piranha.
Fleet Race 1
A good start for both Luna Rossa boats, with Luna Rossa Piranha on pin end and Luna Rossa Swordfish in the middle of the starting line. At the reaching mark Swordfish takes the lead of the fleet, whereas Luna Rossa Piranha is rolled and rounds the mark in the middle of the fleet. The positions remain unchanged up to the first windward mark where Luna Rossa Swordfish is still in the lead. Francesco Bruni will stay in this position also on the downwind leg, with Piranha following in 4th place. During the final beat a left wind shift favors both Oracle and Energy who choose to tack offshore. Luna Rossa Swordfish will round the mark and close the race in 3rd place, followed by Luna Rossa Piranha.
Fleet Race 2
At the start Luna Rossa Swordfish and Luna Rossa Piranha switch their positioning on the starting line with respect to the previous race: Luna Rossa Swordfish is on pin end and Luna Rossa Piranha in the middle. Luna Rossa Swordfish starts fast and with good timing, whereas Luna Rossa Piranha incurs in a penalty for OCS (early over the line). At the reaching gate Luna Rossa Swordfish tacks in 3rd place behind Oracle and Energy, whereas Luna Rossa Piranha is still in the pack. At the downwind gate Emirates Team New Zealand passes in front of Luna Rossa Swordfish but Francesco Bruni regains his previous position on the windward leg and rounds the mark in 3rd place, with Luna Rossa Piranha following in 5th.
On the downwind leg Luna Rossa Piranha closes the gap and moves into 4th place. On the second beat Luna Rossa Swordfish, just before reaching the mark, suffers a bowsprit and headstay failure (due to the previous collision) and is obliged to withdraw.
On the second downwind leg Luna Rossa Piranha loses one position on Ben Ainslie and finishes 5th .
1. Oracle Team USA Slingsby p. 38
2. Energy Team p. 36
3. Emirates Team New Zealand p. 36
4. J.P. Morgan BAR p. 35
5. Luna Rossa Piranha p. 33
6. Luna Rossa Swordfish p. 23
7. Artemis Racing White p. 21
8. HS Racing p. 17
9. China Team p. 14
Match Race
During the pre-start Luna Rossa Swordfish is in a good position but is penalized for OCS (early over the line); this drawback allows Emirates Team New Zealand to take the lead.
At the downwind gate Emirates Team New Zealand chooses to sail offshore whereas Luna Rossa Swordfish separates and sails towards the land. This decision allows Luna Rossa Swordfish to move closer to Emirates Team New Zealand: at the windward mark Luna Rossa Swordfish gains the inside but Emirates Team New Zealand does not respond correctly and the collision is inevitable. Despite the damage to Luna Rossa Swordfish’s bow Francesco Bruni continues with the race and moves to the lead as Emirates Team New Zealand gets penalized.
Luna Rossa Swordfish qualifies for the semifinal where they will race against Luna Rossa Piranha.
Fleet Race 1
A good start for both Luna Rossa boats, with Luna Rossa Piranha on pin end and Luna Rossa Swordfish in the middle of the starting line. At the reaching mark Swordfish takes the lead of the fleet, whereas Luna Rossa Piranha is rolled and rounds the mark in the middle of the fleet. The positions remain unchanged up to the first windward mark where Luna Rossa Swordfish is still in the lead. Francesco Bruni will stay in this position also on the downwind leg, with Piranha following in 4th place. During the final beat a left wind shift favors both Oracle and Energy who choose to tack offshore. Luna Rossa Swordfish will round the mark and close the race in 3rd place, followed by Luna Rossa Piranha.
Fleet Race 2
At the start Luna Rossa Swordfish and Luna Rossa Piranha switch their positioning on the starting line with respect to the previous race: Luna Rossa Swordfish is on pin end and Luna Rossa Piranha in the middle. Luna Rossa Swordfish starts fast and with good timing, whereas Luna Rossa Piranha incurs in a penalty for OCS (early over the line). At the reaching gate Luna Rossa Swordfish tacks in 3rd place behind Oracle and Energy, whereas Luna Rossa Piranha is still in the pack. At the downwind gate Emirates Team New Zealand passes in front of Luna Rossa Swordfish but Francesco Bruni regains his previous position on the windward leg and rounds the mark in 3rd place, with Luna Rossa Piranha following in 5th.
On the downwind leg Luna Rossa Piranha closes the gap and moves into 4th place. On the second beat Luna Rossa Swordfish, just before reaching the mark, suffers a bowsprit and headstay failure (due to the previous collision) and is obliged to withdraw.
On the second downwind leg Luna Rossa Piranha loses one position on Ben Ainslie and finishes 5th .
1. Oracle Team USA Slingsby p. 38
2. Energy Team p. 36
3. Emirates Team New Zealand p. 36
4. J.P. Morgan BAR p. 35
5. Luna Rossa Piranha p. 33
6. Luna Rossa Swordfish p. 23
7. Artemis Racing White p. 21
8. HS Racing p. 17
9. China Team p. 14
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