sabato 13 novembre 2010

Route du Rhum - Nannini perde posizioni - day 13

Questa mattina Marco Nannini su Unicredit al rilevamento satellitare delle 07:40 risultava in trentesima posizione dimostrando di aver pagato a caro prezzo le bonaccette che lo hanno "tormentato" in questi ultimi giorni come è facilmente immaginabile dalla divertente ed insolita foto. Unica nota positiva finalmente la velocità rilevata non è più un paio di nodi ma ben undici. Inoltre vi posso assicurare che Marco è sicuramente dotato di uno specialissimo "sense of humor" vedi sotto la sua foto e provate a leggere con Google Translate:

If you can't beat it, eat it. Haribo race analysis

I heard this morning there were problems with the race tracker, so for those who have missed the action i have developed an alternative viewer, and this is one is even 3D. If you receive this by email and cannot see a picture, please visit . So, as the 3D animation sponsored by Haribo clearly shows, as Thomas the Stig Ruyant was first to take the brunt of crossing the front Yvan the Restless Nobletski closed in and was hard on the chase. Others to watch are indeed Tomas the Bear Troussel, and according to some, Pete Goss, who is so far south that he may still round Cape horn on the way to point-a-pitre, but while others struggle with complex weather, he has a straight reach home, the question is just how much wind there is. I was a long way north but west of the fleet so i had little option but to cross the front, The picture taken just before. Several others are now approaching it, Conrad Colman is the now feeling the pinch and other boats have slowed too, the wind behind the front had nothing to do with the grib file. There is a swell from far away, which makes it impossible to keep the sails filled and flogged relentlessly, I had to helm pretty much all off the time as the wind shifted so randomly that the pilot could not cope, i almost came down with heat stroke under the intense sunshine and i had to drink several litres of water, every shift, if it meant a tack meant also stacking everything to leeward and fill the leeward ballast, it was the only way to keep the sails filling, but for most of the daylight hours progress was close to zero. Floating everywere is weed, so much weed that if we tell the Japanese, before we know it, this stuff will be served by every sushi bar in the city of London. So all in all, today i sailed so fast i have moths splattered all over my transom. Now i have found some wind, not much, enough to start moving on with the rest of my life. A windless day is like Ghandi, non violent protest, there's nothing you can do.

1 commento:

Anonimo ha detto...

Então fascinante este blog está bem posicionado.........Boa pinta :/
Adorei faz mais posts assim !